Bee Food/ Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix
Bee Food/ Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix
Bee Food/ Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix
Michigan Pantry

Bee Food/ Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix

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🐝Beautify your garden with our Bee Food Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix!

Attract beautiful pollinators to your yard while supporting local bee populations.

 This diverse mix of wildflowers provides a nutrient-rich food source for bees and adds a vibrant touch to your landscape. Say hello to a thriving, eco-friendly garden with our Michigan Wildflower Seed Mix.

Add this to any of our gift baskets for your flower loving friends! 


Butterfly Milkweed, Aquilegia, Siberian Wallflower, Lance Leafed Coreopsis, Cosmos, Purple Coneflower, Snapdragon, Aster, Forget Me Not, Perennial Gallardia, Sunflower, Gayfeather, Larkspur, Foxglove, Bird' Eyes, Tree Mallow, Toadflax, Alyssum, Lychnic, Four 'O'clock, Lemon Mint, Lupines, Bergamot, Evening Primrose, Babu BlueEues. Crimson Clover, Purple Phacelia, Tobacco Plant, Poppy, Penstemon, Sage, Catchfly, Marigold, Nasturtium, Zinnia

 When fall planted, the flowers will blossom the following spring.  When spring-planted, if the conditions are right, there will be some flowering but most will not flower until the following spring. The mix will grow 36-40 inches tall. You plant these seeds once and have colorful flowers year after year.


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